Tuesday 28 March 2017

Little Me

Hello and welcome to my brand new blog A Touch Of Glitter. I really felt like I wanted a fresh start in the the 'blog world' so I have decided to create a brand spanky new one. There will be new posts every Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays so it's going to be a pretty full on blog. There will be posts on all different topics mainly they will be post about my general life and what I get up to, What I ate Wednesday, Beauty, Travel, Short stories, Chats, Baking, Music and Fashion you get the picture so hopefully there will be something for everyone.

My name is Sophie May but I prefer being called Soph. I am 25 years old and very nearly 26 which absolutely petrifies me! When did I get so old? My passion in life is Makeup and Fashion and I wanted to find a way to incorporate this into my life more. Although I absolutely love my job right now and I put my heart and soul into it. I literally work five days a week 7-6 so in my spare time I love to chill with a Gin and Lemonade and write my blog. 

I live in the lovely place of Essex and not is nothing like out of The Only Way is Essex and no one actually acts the way the show portrays. My heart belongs to the North East though especially Newcastle! I am a massive shopaholic although as I'm getting older I am trying to curb this!

I've always loved makeup for as long as I can remember, I can still feel the excitement I had on my 9th birthday when I received my first makeup palette! That's when experimenting with makeup really started for me! I also used to love once a week collecting the Sabrina the Teenage Witch magazine where you got a piece of makeup each week. I have a major obsession with makeup and can easily spend hundreds a month trying out new products. So why not share with the rest of the world?

I love spending weekends shopping and seeing my friends whether thats staying in for a girly catch up or going clubbing. I don't have a million friends but I really appreciate the ones who I do have and would honestly do anything for them. I'm the sort of person who doesn't let many people get close to me and get to know the real me because I've been hurt so many times before so I prefer now not to even get to know someone! So if I class you as a friend feel privileged lol! 

So I hope you have got to know me a little bit better and have enjoyed this post. Please leave me a comment below so I can get to know you all to! Stay tuned because my next post will include a competition!!! Speak to you all soon!


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